from life,
for life

However, on the horizon emerges a promising solution that challenges this deeply ingrained paradigm. One day we asked ourselves: If we want to produce ingredients for our lives, why don't we get inspired by life?
It was then that we turned to the first forms of life on our planet: microorganisms.
Through the innovative convergence of fermentation, artificial intelligence, and our ‘directed evolution’ of microorganisms, we are forging a new platform that holds the promise to free us from the dependence on synthetic ingredients and pave the way for a future where nature and technology collaborate harmoniously to nurture and sustain our world in sustainable and unexplored ways.
Unsustainable, harmful and unethical, we have arrived to end the tyranny of synthetic ingredients in our lives.

A disruptive platform
that obtains new natural
ingredients through FERMENTATION,
and AI


Aquaculture and feed


Directed Evolution
The technology
that Darwin would
be proud of

Our cutting-edge technology is like nature's evolution on fast-forward. We call it 'Directed Evolution' and it's a game-changer for ingredient development.
Do you know how nature takes its sweet time to evolve creatures? Well, we've put that process into high gear.
We bring our microorganisms into our lab and mimic millions of years of natural evolution in just a few months.
4 million years

160,000 generations
4 months

160,000 generations
With our 'Directed Evolution' technology, we're like the conductors of a science orchestra. We tweak and nudge these microorganisms to evolve in a way that serves humanity best. Imagine compressing all that evolution into a short period. Each generation is more efficient in producing our ingredients than the previous one.
The result? Microorganisms that are superstars of evolution. This shows how science and nature can high-five each other, creating ingredients that not only keep up with synthetic stuff but also do it more efficiently and eco-friendly.
We do not doubt that Darwin would have been blown away by our technology!


This isn't just another tool in the box, it's a visionary collaborator. By diving deep into microorganisms' genetic blueprints, BIOMETHEUS® anticipates behavior, charting
a course toward ingredients that resonate with nature's harmony. It's more than a prediction; it's a glimpse into the future, guided by the wisdom of data and the power
of innovation.
With BIOMETHEUS®, what once took ages to uncover is now deciphered in moments. In the realm of bioinformatics, it's a game-changer, fueled by a spirit that mirrors Prometheus' audacious quest for knowledge. Welcome to the dawn of a new age, where nature's inspiration is seamlessly entwined with the brilliance of technology, and 'BIOMETHEUS®' leads us towards a brighter horizon.

the red

Spanish project rewards start-ups for upcycling algae, extending shelf life and vertical farming robots
foodingredientsfirst.comThe Spain Foodtech Program, a start-up acceleration initiative led by Eatable Adventures in collaboration with the National Center for Food Technology and Safety (CNTA) and the Spanish Institute for Foreign Trade (ICEX), has announced the four start-ups that will participate in its first edition.
Start-up of the month: mmmico
foodbev.comIn this instalment of ‘Start-up of the month’ – which celebrates the lesser-known companies and their innovations – we speak to Javier Viña, CEO at mmmico, a biotech company that seeks to end artificial additives in the food industry.
Proyectos que impulsan la alimentación sostenible
larazon.esSpain Foodtech Startups’ Program, liderado por Eatable Adventure invertirá diez millones de euros en los próximos tres años para el desarrollo de sólidas startups españolas en el ámbito del Foodtech
Contact us
Email: hello@mmmicoeats.es